
Housing Affordability | Comprehensive Report

FPP Research Housing Affordability

Building Solutions for Florida’s Growing Housing Needs

Florida faces a persistent housing affordability crisis, with home prices outpacing incomes and demand exceeding supply. This report outlines the key challenges driving housing costs and provides practical strategies to address the crisis through innovative zoning and urban planning reforms.

Key Insights

Florida’s Housing Affordability Crisis

  • Soaring Home Prices: Median home prices surged from under $300,000 in 2015 to over $450,000 by 2022.
  • Lagging Incomes: Median household incomes have declined, reducing the purchasing power of Floridians.
  • Zoning Constraints: Complex and outdated zoning laws limit the state’s ability to meet the growing demand for diverse housing types.

Proposed Solutions

  1. Upzoning
    • Allow neighborhoods to evolve by increasing residential density organically.
    • Encourage the division of larger parcels into multiple housing units.
  2. Light-Touch Density
    • Permit the development of duplexes, triplexes, and other small multi-family units in single-family zones.
  3. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
    • Legalize smaller housing units on existing lots, such as garage apartments or tiny homes.
  4. Reduce Minimum Lot Sizes
    • Allow more units per acre to increase housing options while maintaining neighborhood character.
  5. Adopt Form-Based Codes (FBCs)
    • Replace rigid zoning categories with flexible codes that adapt to community growth and changing needs.

Why It Matters

  • Expanding housing options can stabilize home prices, shorten commutes, and create inclusive communities.
  • Simplifying zoning laws promotes efficient land use and helps meet the needs of Florida’s diverse population.
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