
TIME Magazine dives into Tallahassee today and the governor’s agenda

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has become a dominant force in state politics, wielding significant power and pushing through a sweeping conservative agenda. His influence extends from school-board meetings to corporate boardrooms, with everything bearing his stamp. DeSantis has enacted policies on a range of issues, including abortion, gun rights, union rights, and diversity programs. Legislators have fallen in line with his agenda, fearing his power and hoping to benefit from his support. DeSantis has transformed Florida into a fiercely conservative state, with registered Republicans now outnumbering Democrats.

His success has made him a rival to former President Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential primary. Critics see him as authoritarian, but his supporters view him as a competent conservative who gets things done. DeSantis’ agenda, known as the Florida Blueprint, has already had a significant impact on American politics, inspiring other governors to enact similar laws and securing Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Despite attacks from Trump, DeSantis is expected to announce his presidential run and pose a formidable challenge. Former GOP state senator Jeff Brandes says, “This governor has used all of his powers to make sure everyone around him is in lockstep.”

Read the full article at here.

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